About the Cards

Destiny Cards

This deck contains the cards that shape your adventure!
Modify Journey Cards, Minor Fame, Thwarts and Cancel Thwarts as well as some special surprises!

Journey Cards

These are the four terrains that you can travel to McGuffin mountain: Ocean, Desert, Jungle, Mountain. Each terrain has 14 cards.

Treasure Cards

Hidden deep within McGuffin Mountain, these are all the wonderful treasures that
Mr. Nebthos had uncovered
over the years.

The Destiny Cards

Modifier Cards

Any of these cards below allow you to modify the number of any one Journey Card by the number on this card.
( ie. "Innovation" modifies by 5 and could change #7 on a journey card to either #2 or #12. )

Minor Fame Cards

Along your journey you might stumble across a new discovery!
These discoveries add up, especially if you use a Destiny Action to claim them on your turn.
(Remember: claimed Minor Fame cards can NOT be stolen by a Loose Lock or Bandits!)